Tips for completing the game Assassin's Creed: Syndicate. Useful Guides #011

The Templar Hunt

Find your goal and a way to accomplish it during the side action.

These quests are focused on killing a marked enemy. In most cases, it is possible to accomplish this in the elegant way provided in the mission description, however, you can also try to kill him or her in some other way. You can also finish him or her off in open combat. Some missions require you to kill more than one target. When you manage to escape by reaching the marked area, the task will be completed.

If there is no specific execution method, you can do whatever you want.

Some missions do require you to kill the target in a certain way. The simpler types focus on killing him from above or with explosives. There are also missions that allow you to finish the execution the way you like, and the main difficulty will be to hide the body after that. To complete the "make a target kill another target" quest, you need to use a hallucinogenic dart. The target you are about to hit will go crazy and fight with the surrounding characters. To increase the chance that he or she will destroy the correct target, try to kill other enemies and leave only these two alive.

Gang's overnight stay

Capturing the enemy gang's home requires you to destroy all the enemies in it. As you approach this area, try to take advantage of the height advantage and try to highlight all possible targets. You should start by killing snipers from the rooftops. The rest of the enemies are killed in any order. The leader will have a yellow mark, and the scouts will be able to call for reinforcements. Because of this, try to kill them without being noticed - especially since killing the leader will lead to the escape of some of his troops from the area.

Mark the enemies before you strike.

Basically, you can do whatever you want during these missions. A silent execution will lead to the same result as an open battle. Use your hook to move between buildings and kill people from above. Sometimes you will have a side quest, such as covertly killing a leader, hiding from scouts, burning some documents hidden in buildings, or freeing imprisoned rooks.

Gang War

This mission is the last chapter in conquering the urban area and will be unlocked when you complete the remaining missions from the area map. Take some gadgets with you, especially smoke grenades and throwing knives. The general idea is very simple. You and your Rooks will have to fight the Destroyers and their leader.

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