Passing Timeshift - Mission: Better Late ... II

You have to try to get around some nearby enemy soldiers. Your main priority here is the guy using the heavy machine gun post. Also, make sure that no one will take his place once he is eliminated. Kill several other soldiers and try to get closer to the armored car. Don't forget to save your game from time to time.

You will probably notice the second group in the distance. The easiest way to get rid of them is to use a sniper rifle. Alternatively, you can try installing a heavy machine gun because you probably didn't destroy the car. In any case, you will have to secure this road. Once this is done, return to your ATV.

You can go to your current destination. You'll probably spot an enemy warship on your way to the top of the hill, but luckily you won't have to worry about that. Continue to the small checkpoint. As soon as you get close enough, leave your ATV and start moving towards the railway tracks.

Make sure you reach the top of this hill. You have to stop your character as soon as you get close enough to the semaphore. The first group will probably appear to your left. Start running towards them and hide behind the nearest carriage. Kill your opponents from here. Reload your weapon and save the game.

You have to be careful because more enemy units will arrive in this area very soon. Fortunately, you'll be able to spot them with a little help from your compass. Make sure you kill them all. Once this is done, move to the bridge. Ignore the tower to your right. Instead, head to the ATV.

You will need to use your quad in order to enter the new tunnel. Stop the car as soon as you approach the opposite end of the tunnel. You have to squat here because it will allow you to bypass some nearby enemy units. You will have to neutralize two groups. There are several engineers in front of you. As for the second group, there will be a small group of soldiers on your left. It would be wise to use a grenade launcher. You can also hide behind the left wall of the tunnel.

Once you defeat your opponents, make sure you collect ammo from their corpses. One of the soldiers probably carried a new type of weapon - ThunderBolt. This is a crossbow, but the main difference is that it is equipped with exploding shells. You won't have too many shells to start with, but nevertheless, you should think about exchanging them for a sniper rifle. Go back to ATV and save your game.


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