The Devil's Stripe: The History of Striped Fabric

Can a drawing have a pedigree? Many people will think that this does not happen, but the striped print easily dismisses all doubts. What's so special about it? Why is it one of the most popular drawings for so many centuries in a row?

It is believed that the ancestor of the strip are the Egyptian pharaohs – their scarves were decorated with the appropriate print. The Slavs also knew striped fabric, but it appeared by accident – there were not enough monophonic threads. However, over time, people realized that this pattern could decorate clothes, and began to intentionally receive it.

But in European countries there was a different opinion. For a long time, striped fabric belonged to heretics, jugglers, executioners, lepers, prostitutes and buffoons.

In the Middle Ages, the stripe was akin to a brand – noticeable and unusual to immediately distinguish a person's rank. Religious fanatics, literary characters and heroes of fine art also wore striped clothes.

But everything changed in the Renaissance. Since that period, striped fabric has received an absolutely opposite reputation – originality, mischief, progressivity. Only aristocrats could afford clothes with a striped pattern, which means that the print has again become a feature separating poverty and wealth.

One of the most famous striped things is a vest, which appeared around the same time. Initially, the blue and white fabric belonged to the sailing fleet, but over time, at the instigation of Edward VII, the strip became part of the men's wardrobe.

But for a short time this print belonged exclusively to the stronger sex. Coco Chanel made the whole world believe that the stripe is unisex. She was one of the first to wear vests, combining them with ballet flats, dark trousers and caps. It was thanks to Chanel that women believed that the stripe is not just a drawing, it is also a way to correct the figure.

And if potential customers came to this opinion, then it's time to release the product. Therefore, since the beginning of the XX century, the strip has captured all fashion magazines, and then smoothly flowed into the world of fashion, in particular, beach.

The most famous fans of the print were Brigitte Bardot and Audrey Hepburn. Throughout the 20th century, the thickness of the stripes and colors changed. One thing remained untouched–the confession.

And so far, no designer collection can do without stripes. This pattern has long been a classic, which means that in 10 and 100 years, fashionistas around the world will wear striped clothes.


Opération catalogage à la bibliothèque Constable

N’apparaissant alors sur aucun catalogue informatique, les quelques 14000 imprimés de la bibliothèque Constable font actuellement l’objet d’une campagne de signalement. Un travail long et