The Magic of Thirty-two

When young people are asked what it is about a girl that can attract attention at first sight, most answer: a smile. Judge for yourself, who is more interesting to watch: a beech tree sitting in silence at the next table, even if she is very beautiful, or that giggler passing by you on the arm of a friend? Smiling "at all 32", a person radiates positive and self-confidence, certainly infecting others. We will talk about what to do to be in the ranks of "smybak" below.
Cover me, good mood
Every morning, when you open your eyes, stretch, and realize that a new day is ahead, it is unique and unrepeatable. And there are only two rules here: if everything is fine with you, be aware of it more often, and enjoy life. A smile will not take long to wait. If your business is not going well – smile out of spite! Everything that makes you gloomy and self-absorbed. It's hard to even imagine how responsive the universe is to our thoughts!
Every six months, every six months
It's no secret that it is recommended to visit the dentist every six months, and twice a year, respectively, regardless of age. After all, if you lose the "indigenous" inhabitants of your oral cavity, how can you then give others a smile? Monitor the condition of your mouth, do not be lazy to brush your teeth (2 times a day, be sure!) and make an appointment for an examination to the dental master.
If you went on the road with a friend
In the whirl of everyday affairs, it's so easy to withdraw into yourself and not notice how rude you are to someone. It's a pity, but many forget that the world will become a better place if you once again keep silent and ignore someone's minor oversight, and not break down because of the not very rosy mood around everyone. An outburst of emotions will not only do no good, but will also harm both nerves and inner well-being. Try to be polite and smiling with everyone, this is equally deserved by both the saleswoman at the market and the new deputy chief, even if the latter is very much asked. Well, he doesn't know yet how to behave correctly, he will understand over time. We also do not always know what emotions are raging inside everyone we meet, isn't it naive to assume that your friendliness will not help him in any way?
Meanwhile, every emotion is real magic. The emotion is positive – especially. You can joke as much as you like about the "Battle of Psychics" and wave your hand at the magician holding a fat-bellied white rabbit over his bowler hat by the ears. Until you realize that the quintessence of all magical powers is in yourself, don't waste time on it. It is better to smile at your reflection and feel the uniqueness of each lived moment.
Welcome smiles and good mood in non-stop mode to you!


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