The fight against caries in children - prevention is most effective

Currently, almost 80% of children attending kindergartens have problems with the condition of their teeth. Children usually suffer from tooth decay. Universal access to sweets, a constant rush and less focus on daily oral hygiene in children make this problem affect more and more young patients of dental clinics. How to deal with this problem?
The old days in schools and kindergartens were hygienists, which allowed us to detect dental problems in our children at a fairly early level. Currently, this practice has been discontinued, which affects the number of cases of the disease in children.
What is caries or is it transmitted to permanent teeth?
Caries is a disease caused by bacterial plaque that accumulates on your teeth. Sticking to the tooth, it causes the reproduction of microorganisms. As a result, the surface of the teeth becomes porous, and a matte so-called spot appears on the tooth. destruction of teeth. Before it penetrates deeper and attacks the dentin, it cures completely, without drilling.
Therefore, only frequent preventive examinations in the dental office are the only chance to avoid more serious dental problems, such as caries treatment.
What are the symptoms of caries? Can you beat him?
It is extremely important to remember that baby teeth are much more susceptible to carious lesions than permanent teeth. This is due to the structure of the teeth, their composition and a weaker mineralization of lactates. Due to the presence of caries in adults and children at different stages and sources of the problem, we distinguish:
Early caries immediately after brushing teeth,
Caries is a so-called circular, which can even break dental crowns
Chronic dry caries - usually affecting adults
Acute, moist caries - affects young people.
Initially, carious lesions cause discomfort when eating sweet food. We're talking about tooth sensitivity. When the disease turns into a more advanced form, there is a painful reaction to chemical, thermal and mechanical stimuli when food gets into the defect. The salvation for a tooth with minor changes can be repeated rehabilitation, and for teeth with advanced caries, filling, filling or dental procedures using laser or air abrasive treatment.
From the very beginning, it is worth developing the habit of proper oral hygiene in children. We begin to learn how to clean in 2-3. Summer, at least twice a day, and preferably after eating any prolonged sweets on the teeth.


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